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There are many ways to get your morning news. With notifications just waiting on our phones to greet us, I've learned to be cautious about what reaches me first. Thus, I like to wake up and begin my day with a devotional prayer and reading the bible. Often, this comes after I muster the strength to get up, brush my teeth, and rid myself of the stench of sleepy breath. Good thing God isn't offended and listens even when my breath does stank. Don't judge me :)

At times I'm more of a give me the good news first typa of guy. It's disarming in a way, to the bad news, not that the reality of it is any different, but the degree to which I allow it to impact me shifts. But today I wonder about what we deem as bad news, or at least the most relevant news. As I entered the elevator of my apartment this morning, I came across the following image:

Taylor Takes the Win Again
Taylor Takes the Win Again
Star Power Continues to Prosper
Star Power Continues to Prosper

Among the 4-5 images and captions they could've shared this morning were both "The End of an Eras tour approaches, making a bittersweet moment for Taylor Swift fans" and "LeBron James misses1st game this season, sidelined versus Portland due to left foot soreness".

I thougth to myself, this is why I'm so numb and namely ignorant to what's going on around me.

What did I learn from this? I learned that LeBron did not play last night. I learned when I was much younger that when someone doesn't play, that means another person takes their spot. I was often that eager boy on the bench waiting to be put in.

So many people could've played last night:

They could've played the clip of Syrians searching for their relatives in Saydanya prison.

They could've played updates on South Korea and reported the consequences of a country's President decreeing Martial Law.

They could've picked from 40,000 Ukranian soldiers who have been killed as a result of the Russian invasion.

They could've played the 45,000 Russian casualties suffered in November alone. They coudlv'e told told the truth about the numbers and how you never really know. They coudl've talked about the wages a country pays for war.

They could've talked about the bodies still buyant from a capsized boat in Egypt's Red Sea coast.

They could've listed the lives lost after landslides buried homes in Uganda.

They could've played the picture of Jahnay Bryan who's still missing.

They could've played Palestine and showcased the Israeli airstrikes, and the endless suffering going on in Gaza.

They could've played the hundreds of thousands of people whose health care is not being covered.

They could've replayed the fact that Brian Thompson is no longer breathing and his killer is still on the loose.

They could've played Israel Maldonado, a 14-year-old boy shot to death in Chicago.

Someone was supposed to take LeBron's spot.

I'll be the first to say, that solely hearing about death is daunting. But the reality is that people are dying by human hands daily. Our numbnes and fatigue to the reality of what's going on will not protect us nor will it change the truth. I believe the news, like life must be balanced. But balance is a privilege many people do not have. When you're living inside of a nightmore it's hard to tell someone to simply wake up. This is not a dream. As Americans, as a global power, as one of the world's biggest bullies, we have a responsibility to reckon with what is taking place internationally and domestically. The danger lies in living like what we do doesn't have an impact on those around us.

I'm not mad at LeBron, I'm mad at the media. The frustration is with the way we, as a country, curate concern. It's disheartening how easily we erase the effects of oppression. But through it all, I remain encouraged that there are those of us who will press beyond the veneers, who will demand justice for all, who will use our voices for good, and who know that what's going on is not merely a physical feat but a spiritual one. I pray fervently for peace and my faith inclines me to act in accordance as a peacemaker. I'm talking about a restorative shalom peace offered by the Prince of Peace. In the words of my brother Ra'Daniel Arvie, there is a greater peace that is more than the absence of conflict but it is one of wholeness, completeness, and fullness of well-being".

So, during this Advent season, as we celebrate the arrival of our savior Jesus Christ, let us reflect on what it means for us to be delivered. I must wonder why we are delivered from evil, from the selfish and sinful parts of ourselves, and ultimately from the conseunces of death [Ephesians 2:1-2].

So during this time I will as Psalm 27:14 says:

Wait for the Lord;

be strong, and let your heart

be courageous.

Wait for the Lord.

While we wait, let us be strong. While we wait, let us give allowance to humility working through us; a humility that discerns when to remain silent and when it is time to speak, a humility that is concerned with all of creation and not just ourselves.

There is of course a certain demeanor and disposition the 4th quarter invokes. Today marks the commencement of clutch time, where we've seen the schemes of the opposing team, we've made our efforts to achieve, and now the crowd is on their feet cheering and praising as we press on towards the mark.

Our work no matter the profession or capacity, has an underlying function, to give God praise. The fundamental premise is something that slips so easily from my mind in the midst of the many assignments and tasks that grab at my attention on a given day.

Now reading the bible for class is a difficult task. I find myself as I attempt to engage any assigned text, reading ever so carefully. This means examining the context [authorship, construction, literary form] reading the commentary, cross-referencing scriptures, and everything else that goes into a more well-rounded understanding of the text in front of me. This also means getting through a single page let alone the full text, takes time it feels like I simply do not have.

I do what I can because I care and refuse to cheat the opportunity. In the same breath, I recognize that if I do all that is assigned, for all my classes, I will be a gold-star student on paper an impoverished human in practice.

Any student out there can empathize with having an enormous amount of work assigned and falling short of what's expected according to the syllabus.

Romans 12:2 (NIV)

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

In a place like school, how might this scripture apply? Simply put, there is an underlying task in finding alignment in our assignments.

It starts by pausing to pose the question to God: How are you trying to use what’s in front of me to bring something out of me?

To transform amidst the patterns we perceive is only possible through breakage. When we are transformed, we part from the prevailing standards of acceptability and cast our concern unto a higher will, God's will. This is not to infer that everything before us on Earth is inherently counter to God's will, but often the proposed patterns of operation can be quite contentious. For example, a class may require you to read an entire book within a 2-3 day time span before the next class, according to the syllabus. To be concerned with God's good, pleasing, and perfect will is to be concerned with the spirit of our efforts. The transformative tweak is made when we begin to ask how should we engage. With what spirit and posture do I decide to approach the text, my classes, and my classmates? The question is whose will are you working for? This way, we are not defeated in the face of incompletion, but all the while enhanced. We are reminded that our works no matter, how imperfect or unpolished find true completion in rest.

Surely I'm not claiming to have solved this issue, but I am learning gradually how to ease the tension. In doing so:

I'm learning not to expect my professors to be the sole source of knowledge.

I'm learning that I don't have to accept everything that's offered to me.

I'm learning the danger of studying God and not seeking God.

I'm learning when to say "absolutely not" and go hoop.

I'm learning that falling short is a part of striving.

I'm learning how to not blame others for my shortcomings, but to respond with greater agency.

I'm learning to challenge my assumptions.

I'm learning to appreciate correction.

Prayer of Preparation

To God who sees both,

beyond my sight

and into my situation.

I thank you for the privilege to ponder your perfect will and walk according to it. I ask that you would lead me as I look upon this text/journey upon this task. Holy Spirit grant way to truth and transformation. I surrender my academic/professional life unto you. I make room for you to speak, Interrupt, disrupt, edify, and illuminate. Bless this moment: the restful moments, the prayerful moments, the reflective moments. I thank you for divine assurances of renewal, asking these things in the name of Jesus, Amen!


Tuesdays are the busiest: 3 classes, chapel, and choir practice.

That's right, I joined a choir! Ok, the tea is, I didn't have to try out, we love an open invitation!

We also know how precious time is in school. An hour of practice time is a block that could be used for eating, working, shooting the breeze, or even a nap between classes. But after the Chapel service concludes, choir practice commences. We praise.

We praise God amidst many assignments and classes,

waiting around the corner.

We praise amidst natural disasters

and surrounding devastation.

We praise amidst political uncertainty.

We praise while discerning our call to serve

and stand on the side of justice.

We praise alongside peers,

lifting Candler voices unto the Holy One.

We empty our praise in exchange for a better day.

Praise breaks


and heals the broken's

unspoken prayers.

We praise em' like we just don't care!


If there was any day to break routine it would be today, as I considered all that is assigned and before me. There's a young adult church service I attend weekly, and this week in particular I wasn't feeling it, but I gave someone my word that I'll give them a ride, and since it would be their first time attending I didn't want to cancel. We made it to service, but this wasn't just any service it was a worship service.

Now you're telling me I came all the way out here "just to sing". That's the problem wit me and this religiosity, too caught up in the motions! I needed to praise. Now I can't lie, I wanted a "word", as in a sermon, as in to be seated, as in to be an observer, not a participant. Can I be real? This was not what I was expecting. But the night kept rolling on and after the 3rd song, I realized there were a bunch more coming. I surrendered, slowly, singing, and praising God's name. The Spirit of the Lord was palpable from the first song, the tone was set. We were gonna have a good time.

As we neared the end of our worship experience, I felt I felt these words come on my spirit, "that don't sound like victory". My singing was slightly shallow in its texture but real. Then the song Firm Foundation [by Chandler Moore, Maverick City Music, and Naomi Raine] came on.

"Christ is my firm foundation

The rock on which I stand

When everything around me is shaken

 I've never been more glad

....... I've still got joy in chaos

I've got peace that makes no sense

And I won't be going under

I'm not held by my own strength

'Cause I built my life on Jesus

He's never let me down

He's faithful in every season

So why would He fail now?

He won't"

I felt God saying praise me until you realize who's won the victory. So I sang with all my soul and finally found my breakthrough. This praise tonight was truly sacrificial. It's easy to praise with an open schedule and an open heart. But to praise God when we're down and just don't feel like it, that typa praise can feel so expensive. But true worship is costly and it's worth it.

Romans 12:1 (NIV)

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.

After my recent trip to Syracuse, Indiana, I’m reminded of how restorative rest truly is. There's a message in everything if you allow it to speak to you.

Early one morning, I had the awesome opportunity to ride a speedboat and as we were on the water, I began to breach new insights. The texture of the terrain itself was very distinct from the normalcy of land.

Our captain, affectionately referred to as Cap, urged and ushered us out to the boat early as he weighed the rhythm of the wind, knowing that the waves blew a bit more gently at the onset of the day.

For context, the tone of the trip was set when my friend David said it was a spiritual retreat, so from that point on I was open and expectant of the LORD moving through and around us on this occasion.

Built for the Bump

Experiencing the buoyancy of a boat was such a revelatory experience. Climbing into the back of the boat, I settled into a seat. Secured by nothing more than a rope used to dock the boat, I was officially out there on faith. I realized how much symbols of security like belts can really numb our sense of necessity in God. If not for His hand on our lives, we wouldn't really be secure and safe, now would we ? Thus I buckled myself in prayer as we started on our way.

As we began the ride, I felt the violent rush of wind dashing past my face, coursing through my clothes. Gripping tightly to the handle to my left, I let off a shout of joy. This was exilileraitng. Soon the boat stood still in the middle of the lake and Cap faced the three of us, extending an invitation to drive the boat. First, he explained the rules of the road and we commenced. Eventually, my turn came around and it was on.

To drive the boat and ride the waves, you have to hit the wave at a certain angle. As I accelerated, the boat began to burst with speed, slashing through the water with a gradual bounce and bump amidst ever-changing waves. Each bump deterred me (not wanting to break this man's boat), I slowed my role similar to how I would approach a speedbump on the street. But when Cap drove, he was in such control, he responded well to the waves. When the captain drove I realized how not only was I calm and comfortable, but the bump was fun, from the backseat.

This was a metaphor for life. When God is the one leading you, there's nothing to worry about. Yes it can feel uncomfortable being without a belt, but he's got a life jacket in the back if you need it. Jesus even walked on water (Matthew 14:22-33) which shows us the distance in which God will go to meet us where we are.

Stepping into the driver's seat you can feel the weight of the ship. You don't wanna be the reason people get hurt. I've been there in life. I've tried it my way and I still stray sometimes, but when I made Jesus LORD over my life, I gave him the control He rightfully deserves, because He is the best person for the job. Not only that but when you're filled with the truth about God you have access to the greater truth about yourself. Not only that, but God will encourage and empower you to remind you that you are built for every bump you may face in life. So keep it pushing cuz no temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind (1 Corinthians 10:13).

The One In Charge

Being on the water can truly do wonders for our spiritual comprehension. Faith took on a whole new meaning when I was "far from the peaceful shore". It takes a great deal of faith to believe that God will bring you back to dry land and in one piece. We always hear people talking about how they're in a storm, but this experience showed me I really don't even know what a storm is. My storms have been in the shelter of a car or crib, but to be "in the elements" in the belly of the beast is a vastly different context with which we conceptualize what a strom is. I thought about Jonah 1:1-16 when he was in the midst of a mighty tempest at sea and how distressed the men on that ship were. There are so many uncertainties at sea. Winds can change, water levels can change, and things aren't always in your control. But then I began to think about Jesus in Mark 4:35-41 and how He rebuked the wind and quitted the squall. It dawned on me that through the lens of both passages, the One who has the power to stir the storm is the same One who can silence the storm. The One who creates certainly has the capacity to destroy, but it is largely dependent upon how we react to what He has told us. Jesus told the disciples "let us go over to the other side". God told Jonah in "Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has come up before me". Jonah fled and the disciples were distressed.

I heard the question posed simply like this before, are we following or are we fleeing? In light of everything we're witnessing today, our world must ask itself this same question while having the humility to reckon with the reality of the answer.

Prayer for a Punctuated Promise
00:00 / 01:14

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I hope you found what you were looking for 

By Laurence Steven Minter 

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